Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Various Synonyms (Meanings) Of Peace - Thought For The Day

Various Synonyms (Meanings) Of Peace


Peace has a number of synonyms, which all have slightly different shades of meaning:



The feeling of contentment and being completely full with no need for further additions to the self; a feeling of satisfaction, of wholeness of the self.




There are no disturbances or waves in the mind, like a pool of water that is clear and still with not even a ripple to disturb it.




Tranquility is the state of harmony in nature and in ourselves that keeps everything in balance naturally.




In this state, there are no sounds of uncontrolled thoughts jumping around like a monkey in the mind; our thoughts become essenceful, returning to the point, with no expansion; it is an economy of thinking that creates quietness.



There is no movement of thoughts. I remain absorbed in one thought and, in the stillness of silence; I am at rest, with a feeling of complete detachment from everything.

Peace has the meaning of harmony, balance, order and freedom: when we are free from waste and negativity, then we exist fully serene, fully at peace with everything.

Peace is my original energy and treasure and with the practice of meditation I step inside and experience it.


Irrespective of whatever material wealth we accumulated, if we do not have peace of mind, life will have no meaning. PEACE is one of the most important factors for a Happy Life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Global Warming International Conference 2012 (GWIC 12), 20th - 24th April 2012 at Eco Garden Hotel, London, United Kingdom

Call for participation is now open for the Global Warming International Conference 2012 (GWIC 12), 20th - 24th April 2012 at Eco Garden Hotel, 23 Brook Street, London, W1K 4HA, United Kingdom.


The Stern Review underlined that increased investment in R&D and innovation could significantly reduce CO2 emissions and we have seen more than Ј3 billion of venture capital invested in clean tech worldwide since January 2007 (Source: Ernst & Young). However, we need to create much better international, national and regional structures and systems to adapt to climate change as well those to stimulate, nurture and progress new low carbon ideas through R&D to commercialization and the marketplace. A new system is needed that fosters sustainable, low carbon and resource productive innovation - short, medium and long-term. Designers, innovators, investors, entrepreneurs, consumers and governments all have a role to play in the change that is needed.


GWIC 12 themed "Impacts of Global Warming on the Environment" Global Warming Policy and Markets will provide a platform to discuss the future opportunities and challenges related to the design, development and commercialization of low carbon innovation, technologies, products and services. GWIC 12 will include invited and refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, technology providers, designers, sustainability, environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) managers as well as other business functions. The event will be a unique learning experience, networking space and an opportunity to think. Delegates will come globally from companies, entrepreneurs, as well as academia, government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The conference is supported by an international Advisory Board.

Conference topics

GWIC 12 welcomes conceptual and research-based papers covering sustainable innovation, technology, product and service design and development. Papers focused on low carbon solutions and sustainable innovation related to the following topics are particularly welcomed:

· Global Warming
· Sustainable Environment, Health and Development
· Carbon & GHG Management
· Business Solutions
· Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
· Human Health In a Changing Climate
· Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
· Clean Energy Technology
· Low GHG Transportation
· Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
· Case studies

Benefits GWIC 12 will provide a range of benefits to speakers and delegates:

  • Sponsorship: Air ticket, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem to be covered for all qualified delegates
  • Unique: Forum for new ideas and concepts
  • Leading-edge: Presentations from key international researchers, practitioners and policy- makers
  • Content: New research, results and thinking
  • Networking: Opportunities to meet business, government and academia
  • Track-record: Over 900 delegates from over 50 countries have attended previous conferences
  • Established: 5th International Conference

Submission details
Conference papers: please email to
conference[AT], up to 500 words describing your proposed paper. The paper will then be sent to the Advisory Board for evaluation and authors will be given feedback on or before 6th April 2012. The highest rated papers will be invited to present at the conference. Please only submit abstracts if you have registered for the conference. Registration is free of charge for participants from developing countries.

For more information on GWIC 12 please contact:

Dr. Frank Ferguson
Conference Chair
9 Millbank, London, SW1P 3GE, UK.
Tel: +44-702-407-7636, +44-702-404-4063
Fax: +44-702-401-7776
Email: conference[AT]


Entries are invited for ET NOW presents IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow Awards 2012

Entries are invited for the 2012 edition of ET NOW presents IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow Awards

After two successful years, India's most prestigious business award for Small and Medium Enterprises is back.
Participate and share your success story with millions on ET NOW.

To nominate please visit:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Call for speakers & participants to the C2C workshop on the Progress in Nanoscience and Materials in Shanghai, China from August 13 to August 16, 2012

The C2C workshop on the Progress in Nanoscience and Materials will be held in Shanghai, China from August 13 to August 16, 2012.

This workshop is sponsored by Scientific Research Publishing. You are welcome to invite your colleagues or your family members to join us.

This event will help you to:

    Take an active part in developing the future of Nanoscience and Materials
    Meet experts from all over the world
    Enjoy Summer vacation in Hangzhou (long famed as 'Heaven on Earth')

Delegates will stay at Grand Mercure Baolong Shanghai and tour in Hangzhou. The widely expressed Chinese proverb, "in heaven there is paradise and on earth there are Hangzhou" combined with the words of Marco Polo who described this place as, "the most beautiful and magnificent city in the world".


Check in and Welcome Banquet:     Aug. 13, 2012
Technical Programs:     Aug. 14, 2012
Group Tour:     Aug. 15-16, 2012


The registration fee covers all the technical programs, lodging fees for two nights at 5 stars hotel, one night at 4 star hotel in Hangzhou, three lunches, welcome banquet plus two day tour expenses.

USD 780 for ONE person, USD 1380 for TWO person and USD 1780 for THREE person if you register before May 8th, 2012.

For more information, please visit:

or email to workshop[AT]scirp[DOT]org

We are looking forward to seeing you in Shanghai, China!

Conference Coordinator
Scientific Research Publishing

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thought Management - Thought For The Day

One of the simplest definitions of meditation is 'the correct use of the mind'. The initial aim of meditation is not to prevent thoughts from arising, but to become aware of our mind, gain mastery over our mental activity and generate the highest quality of thoughts. In time, with practice, we will be able to slow down our thoughts and enter the inner space within our own mind, where there is no conscious thought, only silence. Initially, however, this need not be our aim. We are used to thinking fast and often are thoughts are scattered. Trying to stop thinking would be like slamming on the brakes of a car while traveling at 100 km/hour. We need to be patient with ourselves and give ourselves the time and space to slow down and find our natural inner rhythm.

Re-discovering Internal Strengths - Thought For The Day

Re-discovering Internal Strengths

Make a short list of your truest internal strengths, which you believe you have but do not use in your practical life.

Ask yourself whether any of these strengths can be used to remove unnecessary stresses, tensions or contradictions in your practical life? Now determine that you will bring these strengths into practice at your workplace and at home - where everyone will see the use you are making of them.

Believe in these ideas as symbols of your essential character, rather than thinking of them as separate from yourself. Using this hidden wealth of your strengths in your practical life will help you realize your complete potential and fulfill your goals in your personal as well as professional life.

Kindly realize the POWER WITHIN YOU. It will be unimaginable!

Monday, February 20, 2012

KARMA YOGA - Thought For The Day

Conscious action is the insignia of human life. Action is inevitable; inaction putrefies and poisons the human mind. Moreover, action needs proper direction. Karma Yoga is when your actions are dedicated to a nobler cause, without the ego and egocentric desires, with a spirit of co-operative endeavour. It is action with pure intention. When your intellect is fired with an ideal, your mind remains charged with power.

Today, Karma Yoga is understood only as social service. Of-course, it means that; but then that is a narrow perception of karma yoga. Even if you are working in an organization for a salary, you can still do Karma Yoga. You can think in terms of offering your talent and ability for the growth of the organization that supports the lives of hundreds and thousands of people directly or indirectly. Setting the organization as the goal and pouring out all your efforts towards the growth of the organization means you are performing karma yoga. You are then not considering your personal interest alone. You are thinking in terms of the best interest of every individual connected with it.

So long as your attitude and motive for action is unselfish, you are still performing karma yoga. Therefore, in life, it is not what you do that matters but how you do it is important.

When you think in terms of everyone's interest and when your attitude is unselfish, you will command power. When your activities are dedicated towards a higher purpose, your organs and equipment assume infinite proportions. You are an inspired worker. Energy and power rush into you from all directions. Nothing can prevent you from achieving your goal.

In life, if you can stimulate your mind to be lifted to a great realm of love for an ideal, your mind will remain charged with power. You forget your selfishness. You then begin to think creatively. You become resourceful. You can then overcome indomitable challenges.

If you have a desire to help people close to your chest and were waiting for a right platform, please join us; let us work together as a TEAM to help the humanity.